[Echo]accessories-dictionary icon draft and more

Mark markg85 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 21:58:51 UTC 2008

> Those letters, abc, are not good visible.
> Maybe another metaphor for this icon? Eg book with glasses... Dunno...
> --
> Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek

Could you try to enhance it? i see you posting in about every new art
related subject but you never seem to post your own images or

for comments on this icon.
the font is indeed looking bad but the book design could be done
slightly different as well.
Perhaps a hard cover book idea? with a rounded back? [1], [2] and [3]
for examples or more: [4]

Now i get the idea that this is a calendar with a cover over it ^_^.

[1] http://images.inmagine.com/img/photodisc/pdgp035/pdGP035001.jpg
[2] http://www.stairway.org/parmer/images/s011476w.jpg
[3] http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/4009339/2/istockphoto_4009339_books_hemicircle.jpg
[4] http://images.google.nl/images?q=book+hardcover&ndsp=18&svnum=100&um=1&hl=nl&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi

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