new Artwork ideas for FC10

TransNet Informática transnetinformatica at
Thu Jul 17 08:17:36 UTC 2008

Well, I'm a new artworker (or I'm trying to be it, at least) in Fedora's artwork team, sincerely I don't jnow about other artworkers, but my opinio is your idea is good enough, even for remembering all those gys whose made Fedora to be just what it is! 

You thougt greatly.



I don't know how to put some ideas at Fedora's discusion list and how to colaborate with the team. Discusion lists for me is a new thing, I'm "blind", but I would like to desing, translate into Portugues and so on...Tell me whow.

TransNet Informática
Evolução Constante
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