Echo vs the destkop

Máirín Duffy mairin at
Tue Sep 23 22:47:26 UTC 2008

William Jon McCann wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Bill Nottingham <notting at> wrote:
>> When we approved Echo as the default icon theme for F10, I was under the
>> assumption that this was already more or less known as a feature to the
>> Desktop group, and they were OK with the coverage provided and the
>> experience given. Is that the case?
> No.

I had thought Matthias volunteered to serve as the Desktop team 
representative. He had outlined a plan here which is what the Echo folks 
have been following:

I also was under the understanding that Echo was set as the default in 
rawhide to enable the folks working on it a chance to get fuller 
coverage, and that if it was deemed to not have appropriate coverage, it 
would be pulled. But I'm not directly involved in any of that, I think 
these were things brought up in the FESCO meeting about the Echo feature.
>> Looking at the desktop now (beta), I see:
>> - at least three different icon perspectives in the stock menus
>>  (echo, 'stock', bluecurve)
>> - nearly all 'upstream' gnome apps using non-echo style icons
>> - an immediate disconnect between the perspective of the stock
>>  icons and the perspective of the main menu logo
>> It also appears to me that the Echo icons scale to menu size I'm
>> using (24) much worse than the prior icons.
>> Are we planning to address these issues, either by increasing the
>> Echo icon coverage, or changing various apps to point to system
>> icons provided by Echo?
> I strongly disagree with the decision to use the Echo icon theme.  For
> one, there is simply not enough time before Fedora 10 to fix the
> problems that you point out.  There is also the fact that the quality
> of the artwork is noticeably lower than the upstream GNOME and Tango
> icon themes.

The Echo artists have been working hard at improving the coverage. If it 
is not there in time for the preview release, I presume they would try 
again for F11. Martin and Luya and perhaps FESCO can probably speak more 
and better to this.


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