Art ideas for Fedora 11 (grub, boot, splashes, window decorations, button styles etc...)

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Fri Jan 23 16:04:21 UTC 2009

Samuele Storari wrote:
> Maybe I've got to write on the wiki something, but right
> now, my proposal still only on my mind and I'ven't got
> nothing to share... :( I don't understand what we have to
> do for this first round and what's the final round 1
> date?
Oh I forgot to answer this, I apologize! We're doing things
a little differently this time. We are going to try to work
together on one idea this time. We need to figure out the
visual concept for F11 (if we are going to go Greek vs. go
something related to the Navy or to the Perfect Mean) by Feb
1 which is coming up very soon.

The deadlines and description of what we are doing along
with our brainstorming is here:

Looking forward to your ideas!


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