Read-only / + !CAP_MKNOD support for mock

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Sun Jul 10 14:30:01 UTC 2005


the patch which is available at


changes some things so that mock is a little bit more secure:

* everything except /var/lib/mock can be read-only now; this is done by

  - avoiding modification of /etc/mtab* by using the '-n' switch for

  - executing all mach operations in an own namespace; so the cleanup
    of mounts happens automatically without relying on /etc/mtab

  - workarounding the 'rpm --root'-touches-the-rpmdb-of-the-host bug;
    namespaces mentioned above make it possible to bind-mount the
    buildroot-rpmdb into the host

* mock works with removed CAP_MKNOD capabilities; instead of, a precreated
  /dev template will be bind-mounted into the buildroot. Ideally, this
  precreated template is a mounted cramfs as it can not be modified but
  still allows the devices to work (this would not be the case e.g. with a
  read-only mounted ext3 fs)

With these modifications, 'mock' can be used within VServers[1]. Please note
that the patch above protects only the filesystem but not processes. So you
will have to restart the buildsystem after each build (takes around 2-3
seconds with vservers and 1-2 minutes with regular hosts).  Else, every
hostile package can take control over subsequent builds.

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