Plague & CVS...

Chris Weyl chris.weyl at
Wed Oct 12 14:38:07 UTC 2005

Hi all!

I'm working on using plague as the buildsystem for a project I'm
working on right now.  Its distributed approach and use of CVS makes
it ideal, given the number of people and packages we're working with
right now.

However, while I have the buildsystem itself (mostly ;)) setup
(server, builder, clients), I'm having trouble implementing the CVS
integration.  It looks as if that half of the buildsystem hasn't been
released yet?

Plague seems to depend on specific tags being generated, as well as a
specific lookaside-cache system.  While I've spent a few hours digging
through how the f-e CVS repository is setup, I'm still somewhat
confused as to:
  * what tags are generated when
 * how the tags are generated and used
  * where the lookaside / cvs maintenance code all is
  * what license the lookaside / cvs / "common" module code is under,
and if I can use it w/o impacting my project's packages licenses

I'd like to be able to use the CVS integration; it would be a great
boon to the reliability and usability of plague for my project.  Even
if I just had a clearer understanding of how plague interacts with CVS
& lookaside I could hopefully rig something...  But ideally the
complementary code could just be used. Hopefully, I'm just pulling a
"Monday" and all this is out there somewhere.

Finally, but certainly not lastly, a major thank you to all who have
worked on this and contributed time and code...  Plauge is excellent,
and I can't wait to begin using it in "production".  :)


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