plague 0.4 config file formats...

Chris Weyl chris.weyl at
Wed Oct 19 02:21:53 UTC 2005

Ok!  So, after a couple... intense;)... hours of hacking at my plague
config files, here's what I've come up with for server/builder/target.
 This is the result of both looking at the default configs that are
generated, looking at the code, and repetitively starting the
server/builder and waiting for it to complain when it doesn't find
something it expects :)

However, it still doesn't build from CVS correctly.  So I include
these files here in the hopes the error of my ways will be shown to
me, and also so others may glean what they will from them :)  (server
names have been replaced, so as to protect the innocent.)  To make
things a little simpler while figuring it all out, I only have one
target cfg defined:  fedora-3-i386-core.

One generic question beforehand...  what's the appropriate way to
specify multiple values on a line?  Whitespace separating the values,
or a ', '?

engine = pgdb

repo_dir = /var/plague/repodir
server_work_dir = /var/plague/rpmbuild
target_configs_dir = /etc/plague/targets
tmpdir = /tmp

use_cvs = yes
cvs_root = :pserver:anonymous at our.cvs.server:/cvsroot/cvsrepo

hostname = server
debug = yes

server_key_and_cert = /etc/plague/server/certs/server_key_and_cert.pem
ca_cert = /etc/plague/server/certs/buildsystem_ca_cert.pem

use_ssl = yes
log_url = http://server/logs/
guest_allowed = yes
port = 8887
client_ca_cert = /etc/plague/server/certs/users_ca_cert.pem

[pgdb Engine]
host = localhost
password =
user = root
database = buildsys

[sqlite Engine]
timeout = 3
database = /etc/plague/server/jobdb

use_ssl = yes
# builders =
builders = server:8888

success_emails = buildsys at mail.addy
email_from = buildsys at server
admin_emails = buildsys at mail.addy

base_arches = i386
--------end file----------------------------------------------------------

Question:  what's the purpose of guest_allowed?  I'm thinking I should
disable it...

plague-builder.cfg --------------------------------------------------
builder_key_and_cert_dir = /etc/plague/builder/certs
use_ssl = yes
ca_cert = /etc/plague/builder/certs/buildsystem_ca_cert.pem

target_configs_dir = /etc/plague/targets
builder_work_dir = /tmp/builder_work

fileserver_port = 8889
xmlrpc_port = 8888
hostname = server

debug = yes
builder_cmd = /usr/bin/mock
builder_user = plague-builder
-----end file-----------------------------------------------------

targets/fedora-4-i386-core.cfg --------------------------
distro = fedora
target = fc4
basearch = i386
repo = core
mock_config = fedora-4-i386-core
repo_script =

base_arches = i386

user_aliases = 4 fc4 FC-4

use_cvs = yes
cvs_root = :pserver:anonymous at our.cvs.server:/cvsroot/cvsrepo
cvs_rsh =

cvs_alias =
------end file------------------------------------------------------

Question:  Did I get the aliases/cvs_alias correct?  (Note that I
setup the cvs repo to mirror that of fedora-extras, and to leverage
the same Makefile.common, etc., system.)  I tried a couple for
cvs_alias, to no avail.

At this point, I can successfully enqueue package builds by cvstag
(make tag ; make plague), but the build always fails, within seconds,
without any error logging by either the builder or the server.

Again, if there's something I should be reading, etc, to figure this
all out, just smack me and send me on my way :)


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