Convenience option: disablerepo

Jeff Pitman symbiont at
Thu Sep 29 05:03:06 UTC 2005

On Thursday 29 September 2005 12:40, seth vidal wrote:
> why would we need to add this option to mock? Is it terribly common
> to need to disable a repo for some specific package build? Why not
> just have another config file?

Ties into the obsoletes question I had on the yum list.  With "built" in 
the config, then I cannot init a chroot.  So, it's common in that I 
need it when the root gets re-initialized.  But, if mock's only target 
audience is FE, then I guess it doesn't matter that much since FE 
doesn't participate in the cardinal sin of updating Core packages (or 
worse: renaming them :D).

Another config file would work; but, I guess the same argument could be 
used for yum itself, too: Why not just have another config file in yum?

Anyway, patch is FYI.  No expectations for upstream adoption.  (I 
realize that feature rot needs to be reigned upon.)


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