[RFC, PATCH] Build multiple srpms

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Thu May 11 13:58:33 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 14:35 -0500, Michael_E_Brown at Dell.com wrote:

> Future: 
>         One future direction I'd like to take this is a parallel mock
> that can prep/build multiple configurations at the same time to try to
> amortize the cost of prep stage by running prep of one environment in
> parallel with build of a different configuration. Currently, it is
> taking me an hour to build 16 sets of RPMS (5 SRPMS per set), and I am
> hoping to get this down. We have already implemented squid and some
> other measures to try to speed things up.

parallelizing mock will NOT happen in the fedora mock branch. Period.

Distributing out the items like that are suited to plague, not mock.
Adding the features into mock is putting a lot of complexity where it is
not needed.

with regard to not cleaning the chroot b/t rebuilds: If you want to do
it for the srpms then pass --no-clean and pass in a series of srpms. But
breaking the expectation to the user that the chroots will be completely
pristine is not safe and, to me, violates the purpose of mock.


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