remaking an initrd.img for diskboot.img and pxeboot

Prarit Bhargava prarit at
Thu Aug 16 14:54:00 UTC 2007

Phil Meyer wrote:
> For odd reasons, I am attempting to add a driver to an initrd.img.
> Using the exact same kernel as on the original media, I have built a 
> driver module.

Hey Phil,

*Everytime* I've tried taking a shortcut and hacked the initrd.img I've 
hit some other issue that makes it not work. :/

Can I make a suggestion?  Your best bet is to modify the kernel source 
rpm with your changes, rebuild the kernel, and then rebuild the distro 
using jkeating's pungi. 

Yes, this takes longer than trying to hack the initrd.img, but in the 
long run you'll realize the "rebuild-kernel-rebuild-os" is much easier 
to do. :)


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