Yum Static Repos

Mike McLean mikem at redhat.com
Tue Aug 5 22:34:09 UTC 2008

Brian Schubert wrote:
> Is kojira capable of creating static repos such as those at
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/static-repos/ or is this achieved through
> some other means? Either way, would anyone be able to instruct me as to
> how it's done?

Short answer: not really, but it is not hard to accomplish yourself

Longer answer:
kojira doesn't actually create repos at all. It tracks what repos are 
needed and whether they are current. When a repo is needed that does not 
exist, or when one is out of date, kojira creates a koji task asking the 
builders to create the repo.

Actually, the repos that are created by the process /are/ static, they 
just have a complicated path (involving the repo id and tag name). A 
koji repo, once created, remains the same until it is deleted. If tag 
content changes, a new repo will be created.

So, this term 'static-repo' is unfortunate. What folks really mean is 
'slowly changing repo at a convenient location.' One way to get such a 
thing is to make a cronjob that periodically copies the current active 
repo for a tag to a fixed location.

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