Pungi 2.0 in F9

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Thu Dec 11 15:14:09 UTC 2008

Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> Bryan Kearney wrote:
>> Are there any plans to bring 2.0 back into F9? I am working on an 
>> appliance building tool which sits on top of pungi, appliance-creator, 
>> EC2, and some other tools. I have it working on F10... but the API is 
>> readically different then from F9.
> Can you elaborate on what you're doing?

Sure... you can see the code here:


The idea is a single command line tool which allows you to start with a 
kickstart file and some small amount of addition metadata and generate 
appliances from that. Hoptfully the text below will come out:

Kickstart -> Virt Image Package -> EC2
                                |-> VMX
                                |-> OVF format
                                |-> Other formats
          |-> SourceISOs

My goal is to not re-write the logic in these other tools 
(appliance-creator, punci, virt-convert, ec2-converter, etc) but rather 
to make a controlled use of them since the output of one becomes the 
input to another. To achieve this, the code basically replaces the 
command line bits of the tools.. not the underlieing libraries. In the 
case of Pungi, this distinction was less clear then with the other 
tools... which is why I think the API changed so much from 1.2.X to 2.X

-- bk

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