Oddly hanging mock build

Clark Williams williams at redhat.com
Wed Jan 16 15:52:16 UTC 2008

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Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> I'm not sure what to make of this so I haven't yet filed a bug.  But I
> noticed that one of spot's jobs was taking way longer than it should:
>   http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=31678
> and so I grabbed the srpm and tried to build it on my local builder.
> It hung at the same place that spot's job was hung.
> Basically mock installs dependencies, then calls rpmbuild and stops:
> mock.util: Installed: ccache.x86_64 0:2.4-11.fc8 perl-DBI.x86_64 0:1.601-1.fc9 sqlite-devel.x86_64 0:3.5.4-2.fc9
> mock.util: Dependency Installed: perl-ExtUtils-Embed.x86_64 0:1.26-31.fc9 perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.x86_64 0:6.30-31.fc9 perl-Test-Harness.x86_64 0:2.56-31.fc9 perl-devel.x86_64 4:5.8.8-31.fc9
> mock.Root.state: State Changed: build
> mock.util: run cmd timeout(0): ccache -M 4G
> mock.util: Ran setarch 'x86_64'
> mock.util: chroot /mock/fedora-development-x86_64/root/
> mock.Root.build: ENTER do("bash -l -c 'rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps //builddir/build/SPECS/perl-DBD-SQLite.spec'", '/mock/fedora-development-x86_64/root/', 0, True, 0, <mock.uid.uidManager object at 0x90e210>, 7225, 493, 'x86_64', logger=<mock.trace_decorator.getLog object at 0x90e990>)
> mock.Root.build: run cmd timeout(0): bash -l -c 'rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps //builddir/build/SPECS/perl-DBD-SQLite.spec'
> mock.util: Ran setarch 'x86_64'
> mock.util: chroot /mock/fedora-development-x86_64/root/
> mock.util: elevate privs to run chroot
> mock.util: back to other privs
> mock.util: about to drop privs
> There's no further output.


I ran it on my box with the latest rawhide mock like this:

$ mock --verbose -r fedora-devel-x86_64 perl-DBD-SQLite-1.14-3.fc9.src.rpm

and then poked around when it hung. It looks like it's hanging while running the test

use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 2 }
use DBI;

my $db = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:foo', '', '', { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 });
eval {
  $db->do('ssdfsdf sdf sd sdfsdfdsf sdfsdf');

$db->do('create table testerror (a, b)');
$db->do('insert into testerror values (1, 2)');
$db->do('insert into testerror values (3, 4)');

$db->do('create unique index testerror_idx on testerror (a)');
eval {
  $db->do('insert into testerror values (1, 5)');

I poked around a bit with 'lsof' and it looks like the sqlite shared libraries are
mapped and there is an open fd to a regular file named 'foo', so I'm guessing
something is going south in one of the db statements.


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