Pungi and a minimal F9 - anaconda-runtime/buildinstall errors

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 07:31:26 UTC 2008

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langhoff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Getting closer :-) With the following ks I get a 208MB iso that boots
> into anaconda. Anaconda, however, says "The Fedora disk was not found
> in any of your CDROM drives. Please insert the Fedora disk and press
> OK to retry."
> What does anaconda look for?

After a long tour of the latest anaconda sources from git, and reading
how cdinstall.c setupCdrom() - seems to trawl the /images/ directory
looking for stage2.img , I find that the /images directory is missing.

Pungi/anaconda had bailed out on me due to unresolved dependencies,
duly noted in the log/$arch.log file, so I was using a broken,
incomplete img. Commenting out the lines that blocked cairo,X.org and
gnome from getting into the build gets me a working installer CD that
weighs 471MB.

So the minimal F9 I can get without starting to splice packages is
471MB, with the following ks:

repo --name=release
repo --name=updates

%packages --nobase


What approach should I take to get a headless system without breaking
anaconda? This task has no use for X, cairo or gnome :-)

For example. anaconda and anaconda-runtime pull in

 - rhpxl, cairo, gtk2, zenity, xorg-x11-font-utils - useful for
anaconda's graphical installer
 - desktop-file-utils -- why?
 - gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 -- why?

About 1/3 or more of the 1st install CD seems to go to Anaconda's
graphics lust :-)

 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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