One build for multiple platforms?

Mike Bonnet mikeb at
Thu May 14 18:08:46 UTC 2009

Steve Traylen wrote:
> Hi,
> I thinking that the answer is that it is not currently possible but is
> there any arrangement of configuration
> to allow a build on say centos4 and centos5 concurrently.
> A build tartget that has a fork to two buildroots and destination
> tags. Both would need to work
> for the overall task to work.

If you mean one "koji build" results in two builds being created in 
Koji, then no that is not currently possible.

This sounds like something that could easily be handled with a Makefile 
target though.

Create your separate dist-centos4 and dist-centos5 build/dest tags and 
targets.  Have a "make build" generate the appropriate SCM URL and call:

koji build --nowait dist-centos4 $SCMURL
koji build --nowait dist-centos5 $SCMURL

Assuming you're using %{?dist} in your specfiles and have the 
buildsys-macros defined correctly (and uniquely) in the -build tags, 
this will create 2 separate builds in different tags from the same sources.

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