Michael's FUD (Was: Fragen zu Synaptic)

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Sun Jun 13 08:59:33 UTC 2004


Am So, den 13.06.2004 schrieb Dag Wieers um 04:21:
> I just discovered the 'Fragen zu Synaptic' thread and feel I deserve the 
> right to answer Michael's new FUD. (And some of the FUD I've seen on the 
> official Fedora channels in the past months).

At the first place 100% ack to your posting. Some additional thougths
from me: The so called 3th part. repos were big contributors to the
success of the former RHL distributions as well as of the fedora
project. Their existence, the (Vielfalt) of their packages made (a big
part) of the difference to other distributions (beside the QA and
stability of RHL itself). 

The downside of playing such an important role is always being subject
to a lot of gossip. Therefore, instead of spending your time on that
gossip, it may be more useful to concentrate on further improvements of
your repo. Regarding your users, most of them will do something which is
called in German "Abstimmung mit den Füssen" (unfortunately I'm not able
to translate it appropriately - something like voting by doing),
regardless of the "gossip of the day".

Just a wishlist from my user perspective:

If I read your web site correctly there is some ongoing work to
coordinate (at least some of) the various 3th part. repos - great news.
Instead of trying to coordinate with fedora.us, which seems currently to
be quite time consuming to say it at best, you may try to do your own
implementation of the repository principles which are outline by the
fedora project (mainly extras / alternatives), maintaining as much
compatibilty to fedora core as possible, and avoiding the problems use
may have using the repos.



Dr. Peter Boy

University of Bremen
Centre for Social Policy Research

Research Methods and IT Management

email: pb at zes.uni-bremen.de
Tel. : +49 421 218 4374 / 4362
       +49 421 230 757

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