proposal to remove the "Start Here" icon

David L Norris dave at
Sun Jul 18 06:01:16 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-07-17 at 10:37 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
> I'd much rather see a menu used only as a short list of favorite
> applications and common actions like "logout" and have a real app
> browser for everything else.

Well, this is straying from "start here" a bit.  But here are some
     1. Do away with start-here: (done?)
     2. Place launchers for applications: and favorites: in computer:
     3. Create a favorites menu applet similar to the menubar.
     4. Fix the bugs in the favorites: handler such as the broken trash
     5. If feasible, replace the "main menu" with an applet that can
        embed into a panel. 
     6. Record all application launches in the run dialog MRU. (Everyone
        realizes they can drag launchers from the run dialog, right?)
     7. Create a MRU menu applet which generates itself from the run
        dialog MRU.  This applet would look like the new main menu
     8. Fedora's default "main menu" could then be a drawer with the
        main menu and mru applets embedded.
     9. For extra credit, modify drawers to support "text beside
        icon" (and fix them so they don't run off the edges of the
        screen), implement the favorites menu like the proposed mru and
        main menu applets, and this would replace both the menubar and
        main menu with a normal drawer that embeds favorites menu, main
        menu, and mru menu.

I went into some (rambling) detail and made a couple of mockups:

 David Norris
  ICQ - 412039
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