Composite and Metacity.

Gian Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Mon Feb 7 01:34:12 UTC 2005

       I've tried to enable dropshadows in two systems running FC3, in 
both I stumbled into problems with Metacity. In one system with an 
nVidia GF FX5900, window borders would be transparent, and only 
"unmanaged" (borderless) windows would cast shadows (menus, dragged 
icons, etc), while managed windows would not, the window border would be 
traslucent, and not cast a shadow. The other system, a laptop, will not 
focus windows when loged into GNOME, I cannot even run xcompmgr to 
activate dropshadows when I have active the Composite and RENDER 
extensions. However KDE works in both systems just fine with 
dropshadows, why isn't Metacity working as it should? Is there 
somethening that can be done, do I need a newer metacity or a patched one?


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