screensavers in FC4

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Fri Jun 17 21:16:55 UTC 2005

Lars E. Pettersson wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 14:29, a j wrote:
>>I just started working with FC4 in gnome but this is th first verison of fc 
>>that didn't have the
>>large selection of screensaver in gnome there still in kde but not gnome?
>yum install xscreensaver-extras xscreensaver-gl-extras
>will get them back (the package was split into three)
This is awkward, and if so, why aren't there any entries in the package 
selection screen of Anaconda? They should have done it, especially if 
the package was split.

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