Icon Theme

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 28 19:13:33 UTC 2006

David Nielsen wrote:
>> The main point of the icon-naming side of the tango push is to make it
>> a more feasible task to do a complete set of icons, by reducing the
>> overall number of icons
> Great, now when does Firefox, Thunderbird, The GIMP, Gaim and 
> OpenOffice.org plan to support this scheme? Before they do (and I have 
> no doubt that they will eventually but it might take years) this is 
> still a perfectly valid concern, especially since all but one of those 
> apps are in our default desktop.

It is a valid concern, yes but forcing one theme style is not the way to 
move ahead. It is very important that themes should be easily 
replaceable all across the desktop environment and applications. If not, 
thats a bug and should not used as a argument to adopt one theme.

> I fully support the naming effort but it's not there yet so we need to 
> be careful, we should also leverage the great work that has already been 
> done by some of the FLOSS communitys finest artists, not to mention the 
> large team they have already built to work on the Tango project.

If the Fedora art team wants to move ahead and adopt a different style, 
they should be encouraged and allowed to do that.


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