Defining the target audience (Was Re: low-hanging fruit)

David Zeuthen davidz at
Fri Aug 17 20:03:43 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 15:13 -0400, Soeren Sandmann Pedersen wrote:
> If Fedora is the "fast-moving, innovative desktop" which is always
> first with new, exciting technology, then you exclude people who don't
> want to be guinea pigs. That is a fine decision, but people then need
> to realize that the userbase is then *inherently* smaller than
> Ubuntu's and "becoming more popular than Ubuntu" will not be possible.

FWIW, I'm not sure Ubuntu is less buggy than Fedora and if you examine
many earlier threads on that topic about this I'm sure you'll find
sufficient evidence.

> On the other hand "Not computer expert" is not a target since it fits
> 99% of the world and basically only serves to exclude current
> users.

Seems to work fine for Ubuntu. And all you're achieving, Søren, with
that comment is just affirming another myth: that having a target
audience means that you exclude other users. We _don't_ have to alienate
or exclude computer experts. It's not either or. It's not black and
white. If you think about it, it's mainly about messaging, and that's
one thing we've surely need to fix.


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