fedora 6/7 - why do you ignore k3b by default?

David Nielsen david at lovesunix.net
Wed May 16 16:20:29 UTC 2007

ons, 16 05 2007 kl. 10:48 +0200, skrev Valent Turkovic:

> Why at least isn't Brasero installed by default?
> I didn't wvwn know that there is a program called brasero. Now I
> installed it and it is really nice. At lease brasero should be
> installed by default.

Because burning as functionality doesn't warrent a seperate application,
that is a historical design mistake made primarily because integration
was not possible in the desktops at the time when burners became
affordable for everyone.

GNOME already provides me with burning functionality, burn an iso by
clicking it, want a music cd then create it in your music player (I use
Banshee but rhythmbox does this also) and so on. 

I'd opt for making the integration more visible rather than doing the
cope out of including a seperate application. We could extend f-spot if
it doesn't already support photoCDs so you could compile one directly in
your photo management application and likewise for other use cases which
to me seems like a much better ideal to strive for.

- David Nielsen
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