Fedora and 3D Desktop

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 17:03:03 UTC 2008

On Feb 1, 2008 7:37 PM, Valent Turkovic <valent.turkovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have just enabled compiz-fusion, because I usually don't use it...
> and I have these issues:
> - keyboard super key currenty isn't properly setup (and I have Cherry
> Linux keyboard with tux on super key :) )
> - some plugins don't work even if they are enabled
> - shortcuts overlap and start some other effect that ones I setup in
> CompizConfig Settings
> These are some minore bugs but still show that compiz and
> compiz-fusion on Fedora needs some polish compared to other distros
> that ship compiz and compiz-fusion that JustWork for users.
> I'm wasn't sure that fedora was even looking to enable compiz, and now
> that I see it will I'll go and test compiz and compiz fusion more and
> submit bugs in bz.


I also found this bug and it affects KDE4 and gnome desktop with
compiz running with dual screen setup.


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