making the i386 livecd fit

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Tue Jan 29 21:37:41 UTC 2008

Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2008 7:07 PM, Matthias Clasen <mclasen at> wrote:
>> In the past, any attempts to go to a subset of language have always met
>> with strong resistance.
> Here's the paradoxical reality of the situation.
> 1)The CD image is championed because DVD drives are not commonplace in
> some parts of the world yet (ie not US/Western Europe).
> plus
> 2)Holding all languages in the CD image makes it more difficult to
> include useful applcations for everybody.
> equals
> 3)The very people who need the CD image, are the people who also most
> likely need the additional language support.
> Here's is what I think we need to actual do.  We need to build a
> process by which different language groups are encouraged to build and
> host their own CD spins, instead of continuing to shove everything
> into one CD image.  How do we do this?  How do we provide the correct
> balance of infrastructure and services such that community members
> will step up and produce and consume the localized CD spins?  

How much
> of the work can be automated with scripts which do nothing but pull
> one language group out and stick another one in so that localized
> versions of the same thing can be autogenerated?

A: All of it.


> I don't have any answers to these questions, but I'm pretty sure these
> are the right questions to be asking instead of asking how do we fit
> multiple locales onto a single CD spin.
> -jef

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