Dropping Gimp from the live cd

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Thu Aug 6 16:27:16 UTC 2009

Toshio Kuratomi (a.badger at gmail.com) said: 
> But I think this line of discussion isn't as productive as discussion
> about splitting the two targets of the current desktop spin and what the
> requirements might be for having a successful demo-spin.  Is openoffice
> a requirement for that audience?

Well, I think this thread has conflated a few issues by now:

- should the desktop spin be limited to a single CD in size?
- should the desktop spin have best of breed apps for any demo-able
  use cases?
- should we highlight these on fp.o, instead of doing a spin?

There's probably some others that I've missed. But until we
answer the first, we can't really logically work on the second,
I think.


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