example content

Máirín Duffy duffy at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 24 14:48:26 UTC 2009

Hi Matthias,

On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 14:15 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Hey,
> one change we are planning to make to the desktop spin in F13 is to go
> from targeting a cd to targeting a 1g usb stick. That will give us
> enough breathing room to include not only OpenOffice, but also some
> example content on the spin. We've wanted to do that for a long time,
> but the cd size restriction have prohibited that.
> The example content is meant to serve several purposes:
> - Be informative and/or pleasant 
> - Allow users to try the included apps

So I'm wondering whether template-like content is something we should
include, or do we strictly want examples of content?

E.g., just to illustrate what I mean: we could maybe brainstorm a set of
templates of things a user might like to create with their new Fedora
desktop and build templates for each. Just a quick list of examples off
the top of my head - note I don't have any particular apps in mind here

* a to-do list
* calendar
* business letter
* photo album / photos
* mix CD label
* business card

On-Screen Documents:
* slide decks
* simple web page
* photo album web page
* web page banner
* simple video
* animated gif (popular for online forum avatars)

Maybe for each provide a filled-out, polished example and provide a
template alongside it.

But maybe this kind of idea is going a bit too far towards providing
templates rather than just raw content. Probably openoffice.org has some
templates that could be used for this purpose - but it could be a nice
value-add thing for Fedora to include some hand-picked high-quality ones
included out-of-the-box.

How about tutorials?

E.g. we could hand pick the best-of-the-best of openly-licensed
tutorials like these and PDF-ify them maybe with a standard Fedora
template (kind of like we did for the 1 page release notes) and include
them in the Documents directory:


FLOSSmanuals has some great instructional content - the digital
foundations ones are particularly good http://en.flossmanuals.net/ They
were originally produced for graphic design courses using the Adobe
Suite and have been converted to use free software graphics apps
instead. At least a default bookmark to these in Firefox would be good.

> - Showcase content that has been produced with open source apps

Besides Big Buck Bunny, maybe Elephant's Dream to this end. 

What do you think about including 2S artworks? There's a lot of
beautiful digital paintings on deviantart that were created with Gimp
and/or Inkscape... artists on there are usually quite willing to license
CC and deviantart does have a built-in system to license under CC. 

> - Make the desktop spin more useful, e.g. to ambassadors
> Examples that might fit some of these categories are:
> - Suitably licensed music or movie trailers (big buck bunny has been
> mentioned already)

How about Sita Sings the Blues? http://sitasingstheblues.com/

I did an 'I am Fedora' video
(http://a28.video2.blip.tv/3020000043336/Mairin-IAmFedora740.ogg) but
its not great. Maybe Colby (cc'ed) can think of some good Fedora videos
he's produced that would be short-ish and easy to include. 

Maybe some audiobooks from librivox? Or just load their feed urls so
they're easily downloaded post-install without taking up space on the
disk? I filed this bug earlier but 

For music would it be worth putting together a playlist (maybe 5-10
songs) of really high-quality work from Jamendo?

> - Spreadsheets or documents that contain interesting facts about
> or open source

It might be cool to do something with some of the data we've got from
smolt on Fedora usage?

> - the 1-page release notes pdf that was debuted for F12


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