Fedora 10 Feature Process

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Thu May 22 03:35:21 UTC 2008

Hello Fedora 10,

Fedora 9 completed the second iteration of the Fedora Feature process. 
It seemed to run a little smoother than things did with Fedora 8.  The 
gist of the feedback I heard was that the marketing and documentation 
groups loved the feature pages and information they provided while some 
developers thought creating and updating the feature pages was too much 
work and other developers found it to be no problem at all.

So before we start the next round of Feature Acceptance process by FESCo 
I wanted to open a dialogue here that could carry over to the FESCo 
meeting on 2008-05-29 whereby FESCo could vote to amend the existing 
policy based on the constructive feedback received.

I have created a wiki page to track this process here: 

Key proposals so far include:
  * Tracker bugs for each feature
  * Better test plan information
  * No incomplete feature form sections

Admittedly one of the next things we will need is an application to 
track this process so we can get away from using the wiki.  I'm open to 
any volunteers who would like to help write such an application or could 
propose an existing open source tool that would handle the current 
information we request and track for new features.


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