[fedora-java] Odd ClassNotFoundException with RSSOwl

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Fri Jul 22 18:12:54 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Overholt <overholt at redhat.com> writes:

Andrew> /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.1.0.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/BlowfishJ.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/codec-1.3.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/httpclient-3.0.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/iTextAsian.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/itext.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/jdom.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/jface.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/logging-1.0.4.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/res.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/swt.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/swt-nl.jar:/home/overholt/rssowl/xerces.jar

If you want to use xerces you will have to make it available by
setting java.endorsed.dirs to point to the directory holding its jar.
Otherwise I think you'll end up using the built-in xml code (due to
class loader delegation).

Andrew> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:rssowl.jar,file:./], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}

Hmm, I would have expected to see more things in the class path here.
It sounds like we are ignoring -cp when -jar is given.  I'm not sure
what behavior is correct here.  One way to test this theory is to add
rssowl.jar to the -cp argument, and instead of '-jar rsssowl.jar', use
the name of the main class.


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