[fedora-java] Dealing with LD_LIBRARY_PATH for a package using JNI

Mary Ellen Foster foster at in.tum.de
Tue Apr 8 12:26:39 UTC 2008

I'm currently working on enabling the "jpl" Java interface to the SWI
Prolog (package is called "pl" in Fedora). This provides a
bidirectional interface between Prolog and Java -- you can call Prolog
from Java or (what I'm doing in my current project) call Java from

I'm attempting to follow the Java packaging guidelines for JNI-using
projects and putting jpl.jar and libjpl.so into $LIBDIR/pl-jpl and
patching files so that the libraries get loaded, and that's going

One thing I'm not sure how to deal with: libjpl.so is linked against
libjava.so and libjvm.so. On my machine, that means I need to set
before I run Prolog, and the same is probably the case if I wanted to
use the Java-to-Prolog direction. Is this acceptable, or is there some
other solution I should use here?

Thanks for any suggestions,


Mary Ellen Foster  --  http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mef/
Informatik 6: Robotics and Embedded Systems, Technische Universität München
and ICCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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