[fedora-java] ant possibly broken when using 'ant generate.wsdl' from axis2 examples

Timothy Selivanow timothy.selivanow at virtualxistenz.com
Tue Jun 10 22:40:42 UTC 2008

I'm going through the quickstart sample from axis2 and found an error
that only occurs while using the packaged ant in Fedora 8 and 9.  Here
is the error I receive:

$ ant generate.wsdl
Buildfile: build.xml



/home/timothys/projects/lib/java/axis2-1.4/samples/quickstart/build.xml:53: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Total time: 0 seconds

When run with '-debug', I see *lots* of the following errors:

Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Invalid class
loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.

When I use upstream's ant and set ANT_HOME to that, the error does not
occur and the build succeeds.  I'm very new to java et al., so I don't
know if I am missing something, or if this is a bug in the way things
are packaged...


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