[fedora-java] Fedora 9: NoClassDefFoundError (LogFactory)

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Fri May 23 19:13:46 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Greg Johnson wrote:
| Thanks Andrew. Someone on FedoraForum.org is starting to help shed a
little light on the problem. He noticed a problem in the manifest of
tomcat5's bootstrap.jar file.
| In the manifest he noticed this line:
| Class-Path: jmx.jar commons-daemon.jar commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar
| As a workaround, he executed this:
| ln -s commons-logging-api.jar commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar

This is why classpaths in manifests are a bad idea. How easy was it to
find that? And any upgrade of commons-logging would break tomcat5 even
though the two packages are unrelated.

| This workaround is less involved than combining the contents of two
jar files.
| I went looking for the same problem in tomcat6. However the manifest
in bootstrap.jar doesn't even have a Class-Path element.

I would say that an incorrect classpath is wrong (and should even be
removed), but an empty classpath is not.

While I am not sure if the fault lies with tomcat or eclipse, the
eclipse plugin should place a symlink where it expects to find its
libraries, so in that sense it's a packaging bug in the eclipse plugin.

- --

David Walluck
<david at zarb.org>
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