[fedora-java] Alfresco packaging questions (a start)

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Tue Aug 4 13:47:16 UTC 2009

* Karsten Wade <kwade at redhat.com> [2009-08-01 04:38]:
> Does anyone have an idea or a friend with enough clue :) to supply a
> reasonable guestimate as to the time/effort involved in packaging
> Alfresco for Fedora?

It's _really_ hard to say.  Since upstreams vary *wildly* in their
build-ability it's difficult to guess how long each dependency will
take.  As for Alfresco itself, that depends upon how sane their build
setup is and how easy it is to override their dependency location(s).  I
suspect Alfresco itself won't be too bad (famous last words).

Sorry to not have anything more precise.


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