[fedora-java] [Fwd: [Bug 471811] RfE: Need CNI sub package to resurrect pdftk]

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 14:02:19 UTC 2009

* Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> [2009-02-02 07:45]:
> Andrew Overholt wrote:
> > Can anyone with CNI experience please help with this bug?  I have heard
> > of lots of people using pdftk and it would be nice if it was available
> > in Fedora.
> Well, I understand CNI well enough but I can't understand what the problem
> is supposed to be.

I'll try to explain it as I understand it:

- pdftk is compiled by gcj using the C++ ABI, direct to native code
- iText is compiled to bytecode (and GCJ AOT .sos)
- pdftk used to bundle its own copy of iText; this isn't allowed by Fedora
- pdftk needs iText to provide a C++-style .so for linking



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