ways to build a modified red hat kernel

Chuck Wolber chuckw at quantumlinux.com
Fri Aug 15 17:44:02 UTC 2003

> while trying to get modified red hat kernels to build for a project of
> mine, I came across something I did not completely understand. So I
> backstepped and tried to build a general Red Hat kernel with no other
> modifications than the red hat patches.

Did you remember to start out with a "make mrproper"? If you don't do
that, the kernel will *NOT* compile.

> Attempt 2 consisted of downloading the kernel src.rpm, installing that,
> then just building from the installed spec file.  That seems to work a
> lot better.

That's a bit ambiguous to me. Did you install the src.rpm and then do a 

rpmbuild -ba kernel-x.x-x.x 

Otherwise, I'm not sure just from what you wrote how you used the spec 
file to build a new kernel.

> Now, my question.  I was under the impression that the source tree
> installed by the kernel-source rpm was the same source tree as the stock
> kernel tree, with all the redhat patches applied.  Is this not (or no
> longer) the case ?

Nope. The only place you have the pristine kernel source is in the
.src.rpm. In the build process (as detailed in the spec file) a *TON* of
patches are applied.

> Why would there be a difference ? Is it reasonable for me to expect
> kernel-source to build out of the box ?

Yes. I'd guess you forgot the "make mrproper" part.


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