Fedora Core 2 wishlists

Tyler larson fedora-devel at tlarson.com
Mon Dec 8 19:35:46 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 11:06, Philip Wyett wrote:
> 4. Removal of KDE. Ok, this ain't likely, but I'd personally like to
>    see it go in favour of making the distro richer tool wise and still 3
>    binary CD's.

Obviously the suggestion wouldn't even be taken seriously. However, it
does bring up a good point. 

I would like to see well-organized ISOs. E.g. you shouldn't even need
Disk 3 for the default install, and probably not even Disk 2 for a
minimal install. KDE stuff would then be located almost entirely on Disk

I wouldn't object to the old Mandrake technique of telling the installer
what CDs you actually have, then having it disable packages that aren't
available on your CDs. 

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