Fedora Core 2 wishlists

Jens Knutson jensknutson at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 9 00:58:42 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 09:39, Chris Chabot wrote:

> level, having the new file picker and nautilus modes would already have a
> big "how-it-feels" impact)

Amen to that.  FC 2 should include GNOME 2.6/GTK+ 2.4 just for the new
file selector *alone*.  It's nice, but the real reason I want it so
badly is that I can't be the only one who's sick of seeing reviews of
Red Hat/Fedora releases that say, "Wow, really great, and I really love
Gnome... except for the evil, ugly file selector.  Because of this, I
must recommend KDE."  Seriously, I've really seen people that consider
the file selector such a huge deal they spend whole paragraphs on it.  A
final death for this annoyance would be lovely.  This way we can move on
from fielding GTK file selector trolls to
misunderstanding-spatial-Nautilus trolls!  Hooray!

Anyway, yeah, another +1 for GNOME 2.6 going in - maybe FC 3 can pass on

 - jck

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