Fedora Core 2 wishlists

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Wed Dec 10 04:51:31 UTC 2003

> What is the bias against sendmail?  Don't give me security history; how
> many security holes have there been in OpenSSL, OpenSSH, Apache, the
> Linux kernel, rsync, etc. over the last couple of years?  Now, how many
> in sendmail?  I don't see people ranting to replace OpenSSH because they
> recently had several security releases in less than a week.

that's just it - there is no well tested, well respected, more efficient
and less crufty alternative to openssl and openssh around.

If there was I'd expect you'd have people requesting replacements for

> Sendmail still happens to be one of the more powerful MTAs around.

powerful doesn't make something a good idea.


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