Excessive package interdependency

Nicolas Mailhot Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net
Thu Dec 18 21:12:37 UTC 2003

Le jeu 18/12/2003 à 18:28, Tyler larson a écrit :

> I think this is the crux of the problem right here. The only method for
> linking packages together that we currently have is through
> dependencies. This lack of options therefore leads to kludges where we
> say X depends on Y, not because there *actually is* a dependency, but so
> that we can get the functionality of Y by default when the user installs
> X.
> This is obviously wrong, but is still the only option we currently have.
> I think Aurelien's suggestion about a "Recommends" or "Suggests" list in
> addition to "Requires" would make a lot more sense.

A much nicer solution has been proposed on the list - define a
comps.xml-like virtual bundle format that can be fed into
yum/up2date/apt/etc and let people distribute whatever subjective bundle
descriptors they like this way.

The Suggests way is very bad - it assumes there is only a single profile
possible per package and a root package for each profile, and that it
should be handled at the rpm level


Nicolas Mailhot
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