Thumbdrive/vfat and noatime.

Peter Robinson peterr at
Tue Dec 30 09:33:34 UTC 2003

> I just got one of those USB thumbdrives, and was pleased to see
> that Fedora discovered it, made /mnt/flash/ and and entry in /etc/fstab.
> However, reading some about the thumbdrive, it seems to have a limited
> lifetime(quite a few thousands writes though). Which makes me want to
> mount it with -o noatime -so it doesn't get unneeded writes-
> (and actually sync also..).
> Shouldn't Fedora make such devices noatime by default ?
> (If not, how do I add options that's automatically added to
> /etc/fstab/ ?)
> It's also a vfat filesystem on the device. Why isn't noatime
> the default for mounting fat/vfat.. ? It seems atime actually updates
> the creation/modification time on fat filesystems anyway. Default
> noatime makes sense for mount.vfat !?

There was an article titled 'floppies for the new millenium' on Linux Journal
recently, you can find it here...

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