MapiVi - Linux Image Management Software

Keith G. Robertson-Turner redhat-forums at
Mon Dec 1 23:34:27 UTC 2003

Image Management Software is a bit thin on the ground in the Linux 
world. Apart from Kalbum and Gthumb (neither one of which has IPTC 
editing) the only app available seems to be MapiVi (Martin's Picture 
Viewer -

After some considerable effort, I managed to get this installed on 
Yarrow, however I'd like to do something to make this available as a 
Fedora'ized set of RPMs. The problem is, that MapiVi is dependent on a 
number of components that are poorly maintained and almost impossible to 
acquire in RPM or even SRPM form.

The Perl module sources I worked from were obtained mainly using the 
cpan tool, but if anyone has any links to either RPMs or SRPMs that 
install/compile properly under Yarrow, I'd be very grateful.

Here's the components I need, preferably in SRPM form:

MapiVi		- I'm working on an RPM now	- Work In Progress
libjpeg-6b-29	- With the lossless patch	- Done
Image Magick	- Included with Yarrow		- Done
Perl/Tk		- Where's the source, Luke?	- Lost In Space
Image::Info	- Ditto				- Ditto
Tk::JPEG	- Done				- Done
Image::IPTCInfo - Done				- Done

The Perl/Tk thing has me stumped. Has it been dropped? Is GTk the new 
Tk? What is the relationship between Tk, GTk and tcl? What is the 
specific reason that Perl/Tk is not a core part of the distro? Is it too 
old and crap ... to put it bluntly?

Keith G. Robertson-Turner

"The only liberties people have, are those they take."
Palladium is not the solution, it is the problem.

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