Fedora minimal install option

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed Dec 3 19:32:57 UTC 2003

m.a.young at durham.ac.uk (M A Young) writes:

> [... minimal FC1 installation ...]
> The absolute minimum presumably consists of a handful of key packages
> (such as kernel, glibc, initscripts) plus any dependent packages, which
> prbably comes to 2-300 Mb, though this may be too minimal to do anything
> with.

The Absolute (non-empty) minimum are 6 packages (glibc, glibc-common,
tzdata, basesystem, filesystem, setup). The next step are 56 packages[1]
which are needing 71 MiB (installed languages: C,de,en,es,fr); an oldish
deptree of them is available at


Then, adding the kernel + its deps, you will end in 63 packages which
are taking 104 MiB. There is a potential to reduce this numbers by
omitting all non-C languages, but rpm has a bug[2] which prevents this.

Numbers are valid for Fedora Core 1 + current updates.


[1]  based on the apt rpmpriority file available at
[2]  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=108686

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