Preemptible kernel in Fedora Core 2

Ori Pessach mail at
Tue Dec 9 21:40:25 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Stan Bubrouski wrote:
| Wow I totally disagree with you here.  I've been using 2.6 for a couple
| months now and it has _drastically_ improved latency.  Might I suggest
| you are hitting some snags specific to your kernel/system?

What kind of numbers have you been seeing? I have seen scheduling
latency of well below 2ms with preempt enabled (usually below 1ms), and
in the double digits with preempt disabled. I'll run more tests, but
that was basically the picture.

| Here again I disagree.  Maybe pre-empt would make it better, but as far
| as multimedia and sound work go, again 2.6 is working awesome for me.

What do you mean by "multimedia"? Running xmms and running Ardour, for
example, are two different things. What kind of things do you run?

| Have you tried recompiling the kernel yourself?  I'm not using a default
| kerenl, perhaps a custom kernel minus some fluff would yield some etter
| results?

I don't see why merely compiling less drivers is going to make a
difference. Unless you have something else in mind when you use the word

- --
Ori Pessach
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