Fedora Core 2 wishlists

Adrian Likins alikins at redhat.com
Wed Dec 10 20:58:27 UTC 2003

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 11:13:19PM +0100, Laurent GUERBY wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 22:21, Michael K. Johnson wrote:
> > From a human factors standpoint, we'll need to change the name
> > when we expose it.  Fedora Core Core is going to confuse people.
> > That said, I support exposing it.
> Fedora Core Minimal doesn't sound that bad :).
> On my wishlist:
> - Backup tool available in menu (supporting incremental backup to
> external hard drive would be great :)
> - GUI for editing RPM sources, at least one of 
> up2date/yum/apt/open-carpet/...
	dunno about gui, but planning on at least
adding a comandline way to do this... maybe something
vaguely like the urmpi.addmedia stuff. It's not
a high priority, but I'd like to add it. 
> - For people with more than one machine on their
> home network, easy GUI setup so that RPMs are
> downloaded only once, stored on one machine disk
> and other just have to pick-up things on the local network
> (may be with up2date option and minimal system-config-nfs ?)
	maybe a yum/apt-mirror tool would be handy, just
for convience, even if its isn't much beyond rsync/wget 
and some config.


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