linux badly needs a standard sound daemon

David T Hollis dhollis at
Fri Dec 12 22:10:56 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 14:48, Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 12:53, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> > Yes, but IIRC ALSA mixes the sound inputs automatically thus software
> > like ESD and ARTS become unneeded.
> I'm not sure that you RC.  I think some ALSA drivers allow multiple
> sound inputs, but not all.  Anyone know more detail on this?
> --
> fedora-devel-list mailing list
> fedora-devel-list at

I think the more important part regarding ALSA is that it is a Linux
specific implementation.  Gnome and KDE are not Linux specific.  You
really still need/want some form of layer above ALSA/OSS/Solaris Sound
system/FreeBSD whatever for the apps to communicate with.  That layer
could provide the network transparency etc.  In the case where the
underlying sound system is mature and fleshed out, the layer may be very
thin.  In cases where the underlying sound is primitive and featureless,
the layer may have to shore up a lot of things.  From my experience,
esound does very little, Arts isn't too bad, MAS and Jack are pretty
interesting and could very well be the future.  Time will tell I

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