Excessive package interdependency

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Thu Dec 18 20:48:29 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 10:02 -0500, Chris Ricker wrote:
> I still think a better solution is for anaconda to display a list of "new
> packages" (meaning stuff added since the release being upgraded from) to the
> user, and the user to be asked if they want that additional
> functionality....

Multiple problems here
a) No good way to define this "new" stuff.  And how do you handle people
who skip releases
b) You don't want to show every new libfoo that exists
c) Package maintainers don't update lists.  The only reason things ever
make it into the comps file to get installed by default is generally if
one of two or three people think about it or if I have the spare time to
do a quick look-through of what packages exist that aren't in the comps


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