my thoughts on package management

david paeme david.paeme at
Wed Jul 23 11:45:41 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 09:52, André Kelpe wrote:
> Am Mit, 2003-07-23 um 09.24 schrieb david paeme:
> > So why not use apt-like system (I'll call it apt from now on)?
> > I know that there are probably a lot of arguments as why not to use it,
> > but consider the advantages:
> or yum, which looks more stable to me.

well, I was just using apt because everybody knows that one ;-)
(i presume)

> > It might be possible to have an installation version that is only 1 cd.
> > This can then only contain the basic system, window manager, and some
> > basic applications (if a system like knoppix can do this...). It is then
> > possible to use apt to get people to install applications, without
> > having to download 3 cd's in a row. (even with a graphical frontend like
> > Synaptic)
> Nice idea, it is like Debian, Gentoo or *BSD but i see a problem: There
> are still a lot of modem and ISDN (in Germany) users out on the net. For
> those people it is impossible to use apt/yum etc. to install big things
> like KDE or GNOME. They still need CDs/DVDs to simple install packages
> without waiting for weeks until all packages are downloaded. I think
> there must be a distro which has more than one CD.
> regards André

you're right about that, but why not go for a stable/testing/addon
system, a bit like debian uses? 

I mean, you can take general packages, and create a distribution out of
it (RedHat 10?), which contains everything that a working system needs,
but still quite restricted: instead of a few different mail clients,
let's just put evolution on the cd. if someone wants another one, let
them install sylpheed without a hassle (apt or yum or ripm -- redhat
internet package manager?? -- just kidding). or xmms as standard (with
mp3, please...), and alsaplayer and stuff as extra's via apt?

maybe even the basic system on one cd, with the repository snapshot on
the other cd's? and let a utility like synaptic the take care of
installing software from cd or some ftp?

who knows...

maybe the idea needs some more discussion, but I really think that an
apt-like system is what redhat needs. it's the only thing that's really
missing from the distro...

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