RFC: i18n proposal

Göran Uddeborg goeran at uddeborg.se
Thu Jul 24 23:33:40 UTC 2003

Havoc Pennington writes:
> I wouldn't do it this way. Another suggestion is to have the gettext
> hash tables in the package file list
> (/usr/share/locale/LANG/translation-domain.mo)
> The translation domain might be in the RPM header. 
> Then a tool such as redhat-config-packages, if the package is
> installed simply calls bindtextdomain (/usr/share/locale) and uses the
> gettext hash in-place; if the package is not installed it sucks the
> gettext hash out of the package and puts it somewhere temporary to
> use.

I'm trying to follow this discussion, but I don't quite understand
what you suggest here.  Partly I'm confused about what is variables,
and what is literal.

If we take an example: Swedish translations and coreutils.  The
translations of coreutils' own messages resides in
/usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo.  What would be the file
name of the file containing the Swedish translation of the
%description of the RPM package coreutils?  And what other
translations would that file contain?

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