and Java in Fedora

ByteEnable ByteEnable at
Wed Nov 19 01:40:29 UTC 2003

>After some thought and discussion, I've come to the following
>Since Fedora does not include Java for licensing reasons, all Red
>Hat-built RPMs for Fedora will NOT include Java support,
>and will NOT be built with Java enabled.  It's not good form to supply
>an RPM that cannot be built on the platform it is intended for. 
>Therefore, when you install Fedora and OOo, anything that requires Java
>will not function.
>However, I will attempt to keep a "Java-enable" switch in the specfile
>that will allow Java-enabled building on Fedora, provided you have a
>JRE/JDK installed.  I will attempt to keep Java-enabled building
>up-to-date and functional.
>In the future, I hope OOo will compile using gcj or other free Java
>environments.  This is something we'll be working towards, and other
>shave this same goal in mind (Debian).  When gcj is able to compile the
>Java bits of OOo, the Fedora RPMs will include those patches.  Its
>to mean some work though.
>So in summary, I'm not going to build Java-enabled RPMs of OOo for the
>time being.  But if you'd like them, I'm happy to keep it possible (and
>will try to keep it building out-of-the-box with a specfile switch). 
>anyone would like to help out in getting OOo to work with gcj or other
>free Java environments, by all means contact me and I'll try to point
>you in the right direction.

Hi Dan,

Could you also move the -mcpu override's in solenv/inc/ into the spec
file using a variable?



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