Idea for ftp (apt yum) mirrors

Jos Vos jos at
Sun Nov 30 17:19:49 UTC 2003

On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 06:06:18PM +0100, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:

> I don't know if javascript can do this but I just use for explaining the 
> idea.
> You could also enhance apt or yum with this.
> Does this exist? Is it possible? If it possible/exists why does nobody 
> use it.

Javascript (brrr...) would only work with a (graphical) browser, while
lost of downloads are done via command-line ftp (ncftpget) or http
(curl, wget) clients.

Furthermore, AFAIK there is no (free) system that easily finds a
*geographically* nearby mirror.  In Europe you could maybe check on
your own country (== top level domain), but this does not work for
.com etc. domains that many European companies have.

And, last but not least, as one of the maintainers of a big ftp site
I can say that lost of people *do* know how to find a nearby mirror,
so there is no real need for this.

--    Jos Vos <jos at>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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