A dhcpd.conf GUI

Philip Van Hoof spamfrommailing at freax.org
Wed Nov 5 00:15:37 UTC 2003

Hi there,

Three days ago I was reading the fedora webpages, two days ago I started
giving some lessions to two of my friends in Gtk-Sharp and C#. Because
while I was reading the fedora webpages I noticed that fedora is looking
for a dhcpd.conf GUI, it gave me the idea to implement this using Gtk-
Sharp and use it for educating those two friends of mine.

So I asked my "students" to create a GUI and created the parser myself.
The first lession was Gtk-Sharp using Glade-Sharp and also glade-2. The
second lession was Exception handing, recursive function calls, Regular
Expressions, etc etc. So, again, I figured that a "dhcpd.conf"-file
parser in C# would be a great way to explain such stuff :). But they
would probably not yet succeed in getting stuff working yet. So I made
it as a sample for them, so they can study it.

Of course is stuff pretty much unfinished but we have decided to go
ahead and finish the complete application at some point ;). Something
like: Just for Fun, and because that way those two friends have a pretty
good way of learning how to write a Gtk-Sharp application: They learn by
writing a real one from scratch.

I understand that fedora is probably not yet shipping with Mono nor Gtk-
Sharp. So it's possible that such a GUI cannot be used (yet).
Nevertheless I want to share it with you guys. That way you can decide
what you want to do with it. The die-hard python gods will probably want
to port it to python, the die-hard C gods will probably want to port it
to plain C and the perl monks will probably want to create 600 versions
of this application which will all use another method of solving the
problem. Probably will 599 versions use perl regular expressions and 1
version will most likely be never understandable by anybody else than
Larry Wall and the original coder of it. And I say to them: go ahead :).

ps. It's also very possible that just nothing will happen at all. Also
good. Yet, we (because, me too) are learning while programming this
application. So don't kill us for trying to write it. In case you
dislike it, we are not doing it for _you_ anyway.

The Class1.cs is a Console application that will actually parse a dhcpd.
conf file into a few classes (build up in a recursive tree-way). It also
prints some values... for testing. It's not yet integrated with a Gtk-
Sharp GUI (and my students/two friends are still working on the Gtk-
Sharp/Glade-Sharp GUI code).

The attached .glade file is highly unfinished and just a tryout,
actually. It (should) look a lot like the redhat-config-samba tool.

Please do let me know what you think of it. Do fix crab and bugs if
thats what you want to do. 

Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at freax dot org
work: Philip dot VanHoof at cronos dot be
http://www.freax.be, http://www.freax.eu.org
-------------- next part --------------
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;

namespace ConfParser
	public class CommonConfig 
		public ArrayList Allow = new ArrayList();
		public ArrayList Deny = new ArrayList();
		public Hashtable Options = new Hashtable();
		public ArrayList SubnetConfigs = new ArrayList();
		public ArrayList HostConfigs = new ArrayList();
		public ArrayList GroupConfigs = new ArrayList();
		public ArrayList SharedNetworkConfigs = new ArrayList();

		public string DefaultLeaseTime;
		public string MaxLeaseTime;
		public string Hardware;
		public string FileName;
		public string ServerName;
		public string NextServer;
		public string FixedAddress;
		public string DynamicBootpLeaseCutoff;
		public string DynamicBootpLeaseLength;
		public string GetLeaseHostnames;
		public string UseHostDeclNames;
		public string Authoritative;
		public string UseLeaseAddrForDefaultRoute;
		public string AlwaysReplyRfc1048;
		public string ServerIdentifier;

		private Regex GetLeaseHostnamesRegex = new Regex(@"get-lease-hostnames\s(.*);$");
		private Regex UseHostDeclNamesRegex = new Regex(@"use-host-decl-names\s(.*);$");
		private Regex AuthoritativeRegex = new Regex(@"([not\s|])authoritative;$");
		private Regex UseLeaseAddrForDefaultRouteRegex = new Regex(@"use-lease-addr-for-default-route\s(.*);$");
		private Regex AlwaysReplyRfc1048Regex = new Regex(@"always-reply-rfc1048\s(.*);$");
		private Regex ServerIdentifierRegex = new Regex(@"server-identifier\s(.*);$");
		private Regex NextServerRegex = new Regex(@"next-server\s(.*);$");
		private Regex FixedAddressRegex = new Regex(@"fixed-address address\s(.*);$");
		private Regex DynamicBootpLeaseCutoffRegex = new Regex(@"dynamic-bootp-lease-cutoff\s(.*);$");
		private Regex DynamicBootpLeaseLengthRegex = new Regex(@"dynamic-bootp-lease-length\s(.*);$");
		private Regex HardwareRegex = new Regex(@"hardware\s(.*);$");
		private Regex FileNameRegex = new Regex("filename\\s\"(.*)\";$");
		private Regex ServerNameRegex = new Regex("server-name\\s\"(.*)\";$");
		private Regex DefaultLeaseTimeRegex = new Regex(@"default-lease-time\s(.*);$");
		private Regex MaxLeaseTimeRegex = new Regex(@"max-lease-time\s(.*);$");
		private Regex OptionRegex = new Regex("option\\s(.*)\\s(\"?)(.*)(\"?);$");
		private Regex AllowRegex = new Regex(@"allow\s(.*);$");
		private Regex DenyRegex = new Regex(@"deny\s(.*);$");

		private bool ParseGetLeaseHostnames (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref GetLeaseHostnames, GetLeaseHostnamesRegex);

		private bool ParseUseHostDeclNames (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref UseHostDeclNames, UseHostDeclNamesRegex);

		private bool ParseAuthoritative (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref Authoritative, AuthoritativeRegex);

		private bool ParseUseLeaseAddrForDefaultRoute (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref UseLeaseAddrForDefaultRoute, UseLeaseAddrForDefaultRouteRegex);

		private bool ParseAlwaysReplyRfc1048 (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref AlwaysReplyRfc1048, AlwaysReplyRfc1048Regex);

		private bool ParseServerIdentifier (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref ServerIdentifier, ServerIdentifierRegex);

		private bool ParseNextServer (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref NextServer, NextServerRegex);

		private bool ParseFixedAddress (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref FixedAddress, FixedAddressRegex);

		private bool ParseDynamicBootpLeaseCutoff (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref DynamicBootpLeaseCutoff, DynamicBootpLeaseCutoffRegex);

		private bool ParseDynamicBootpLeaseLength (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref DynamicBootpLeaseLength, DynamicBootpLeaseLengthRegex);

		private bool ParseHardware (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref Hardware, HardwareRegex);

		private bool ParseFileName (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref FileName, FileNameRegex);

		private bool ParseServerName (string line) 
		  return ParseParameter (line, ref ServerName, ServerNameRegex);

		private bool ParseMaxLeaseTime (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref MaxLeaseTime, MaxLeaseTimeRegex);

		private bool ParseDefaultLeaseTime (string line) 
			return ParseParameter (line, ref DefaultLeaseTime, DefaultLeaseTimeRegex);

		private bool ParseParameter (string line, ref string result, Regex regex) 
			Match m = regex.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				result = m.Groups[1].Value;
				return true;
			return false;

		private bool ParseOption (string line) 
			Match m = OptionRegex.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				if (!this.Options.Contains (m.Groups[1].Value))
					this.Options.Add (m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[3].Value);
				return true;
			return false;

		private bool ParseAllow (string line) 
			Match m = AllowRegex.Match (line);
			if (m.Success)
				this.Allow.Add (m.Groups[0].Value);
				return true;
			return false;

		private bool ParseDeny (string line) 
			Match m = DenyRegex.Match (line);
			if (m.Success)
				this.Deny.Add (m.Groups[0].Value);
				return true;
			return false;

		public void ParseAnyConfigAndReturn (StreamReader sr, string line) 
				SubnetConfig subnetconfig = SubnetConfig.Parse (sr, line);
				this.SubnetConfigs.Add (subnetconfig);
			catch (NotSubnetConfigException) {} 

				HostConfig hostconfig = HostConfig.Parse (sr, line);
				this.HostConfigs.Add (hostconfig);
			catch (NotHostConfigException) {}

				GroupConfig groupconfig = GroupConfig.Parse (sr, line);
				this.GroupConfigs.Add (groupconfig);
			catch (NotGroupConfigException) {}

				SharedNetwork sconfig = SharedNetwork.Parse(sr, line);
				this.SharedNetworkConfigs.Add (sconfig);
			catch (NotSharedNetworkConfigException) {}


		public void ParseAnySingleLineAndReturn (string line) 
			if (this.ParseDefaultLeaseTime (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseMaxLeaseTime (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseHardware (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseFileName (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseServerName (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseNextServer (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseFixedAddress (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseDynamicBootpLeaseCutoff (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseDynamicBootpLeaseLength (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseGetLeaseHostnames (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseUseHostDeclNames (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseAuthoritative (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseUseLeaseAddrForDefaultRoute (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseAlwaysReplyRfc1048 (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseServerIdentifier (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseOption (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseAllow (line)) return;
			if (this.ParseDeny (line)) return;

		public virtual void ParseBody (StreamReader sr) 
			bool KeepGoing = true;
			string line;
			if ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) == null) 
				throw new FormatException ("Unexpected end of file");

			int begin=line.IndexOf ('{'), end=-1;

			if (begin != -1)
				line = line.Substring (begin+1, line.Length);
			while (KeepGoing)
				end = line.IndexOf ('}');
				if (end != -1)
					if (end == 0) line = "";
					else line = line.Substring (0, end-1);
					KeepGoing = false;
				this.ParseAnySingleLineAndReturn (line);
				this.ParseAnyConfigAndReturn (sr, line);
				if (end == -1) 
					if ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) == null)
						throw new FormatException ("Unexpected end of file");

		#region doc
		//		allow unknown-clients;
		//		deny unknown-clients;
		//		allow bootp;
		//		deny bootp;
		//		allow booting;
		//		deny booting;


		// [parameters]
		//		default-lease-time time;
		//		max-lease-time time;
		//		hardware hardware-type hardware-address;
		//		filename "filename";
		//		server-name "name";
		//		next-server server-name;
		//		fixed-address address [, address ... ];
		//		dynamic-bootp-lease-cutoff date;
		//		dynamic-bootp-lease-length length;
		//		get-lease-hostnames flag;
		//		use-host-decl-names flag;
		//		authoritative;
		//		[not ]authoritative;
		//		use-lease-addr-for-default-route flag;
		//		always-reply-rfc1048 flag;
		//		server-identifier hostname;



		#region doc
		// [options]
		//		option all-subnets-local flag; 
		//		option arp-cache-timeout uint32; 
		//		option bootfile-name text; 
		//		option boot-size uint16; 
		//		option broadcast-address ip-address; 
		//		option cookie-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option default-ip-ttl uint8; 
		//		option default-tcp-ttl uint8; 
		//		option dhcp-client-identifier string; 
		//		option dhcp-lease-time uint32; 
		//		option dhcp-max-message-size uint16; 
		//		option dhcp-message text; 
		//		option dhcp-message-type uint8; 
		//		option dhcp-parameter-request-list uint16; 
		//		option dhcp-option-overload uint8; 
		//		option dhcp-rebinding-time uint32; 
		//		option dhcp-renewal-time uint32; 
		//		option dhcp-requested-address ip-address; 
		//		option dhcp-server-identifier ip-address; 
		//		option domain-name text; 
		//		option domain-name-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option extensions-path text; 
		//		option finger-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option font-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option host-name string; 
		//		option ieee802-3-encapsulation flag; 
		//		option ien116-name-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option impress-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option interface-mtu uint16; 
		//		option ip-forwarding flag; 
		//		option irc-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option log-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option lpr-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option mask-supplier flag; 
		//		option max-dgram-reassembly uint16; 
		//		option merit-dump text; 
		//		option mobile-ip-home-agent ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option nds-context string; 
		//		option nds-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option nds-tree-name string; 			 
		//		option netbios-dd-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 		   
		//		option netbios-name-servers ip-address [, ip-address...]; 
		//		option netbios-node-type uint8; 
					//	Possible node types are: 
					//	1  B-node: Broadcast - no WINS  
					//	2  P-node: Peer - WINS only.  
					//	4  M-node: Mixed - broadcast, then WINS  
					//	8  H-node: Hybrid - WINS, then broadcast  
		//		option netbios-scope string; 
		//		option nis-domain text; 
		//		option nis-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option nisplus-domain text; 
		//		option nisplus-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 			
		//		option nntp-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 				
		//		option non-local-source-routing flag; 
		//		option ntp-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option nwip-domain string; 
		//		option nwip-suboptions string; 
		//		option path-mtu-aging-timeout uint32; 
		//		option path-mtu-plateau-table uint16 [, uint16... ]; 
		//		option perform-mask-discovery flag; 
		//		option policy-filter ip-address ip-address [, ip-address ip-address...];
		//		option pop-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option resource-location-servers ip-address [, ip-address...]; 		 
		//		option root-path text; 
		//		option router-discovery flag; 
		//		option router-solicitation-address ip-address; 
		//		option routers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option slp-directory-agent boolean ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option slp-service-scope boolean text; 
		//		option smtp-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option static-routes ip-address ip-address [, ip-address ip-address...];
		//		option streettalk-directory-assistance-server ip-address [, ip-address...];
		//		option streettalk-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option subnet-mask ip-address; 
		//		option subnet-selection string; 
		//		option swap-server ip-address; 
		//		option tcp-keepalive-garbage flag; 
		//		option tcp-keepalive-interval uint32; 
		//		option tftp-server-name text; 
		//		option time-offset int32; 
		//		option time-servers ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option trailer-encapsulation flag; 
		//		option uap-servers text; 
		//		option user-class string; 

		//		option vendor-class-identifier string; 
		//		option vendor-encapsulated-options string; 
		//		option www-server ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option x-display-manager ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option agent.circuit-id string; 
		//		option agent.remote-id string; 
		//		option fqdn.no-client-update flag; 
		//		option fqdn.server-update flag; 
		//		option fqdn.encoded flag; 
		//		option fqdn.rcode1 flag; 
		//		option fqdn.rcode1 flag; 
		//		option fqdn.fqdn text; 
		//		option nwip.nsq-broadcast flag; 
		//		option nwip.preferred-dss ip-address [, ip-address... ]; 
		//		option nwip.nearest-nwip-server ip-address [, ip-address...]; 
		//		option nwip.autoretries uint8; 
		//		option nwip.autoretry-secs uint8; 
		//		option nwip.nwip-1-1 uint8; 
		//		option nwip.primary-dss ip-address; 

		//		custom options
		//        option new-name code new-code = definition ; 
		//		examples
		//		option use-zephyr code 180 = boolean;
		//		option use-zephyr on;
		//		option sql-connection-max code 192 = unsigned integer 16;
		//		option sql-connection-max 1536;
		//		option sql-server-address code 193 = ip-address;
		//		option sql-server-address sql.example.com;
		//		option sql-default-connection-name code 194 = text;
		//		option sql-default-connection-name "PRODZA";
		//		option sql-identification-token code 195 = string;
		//		option sql-identification-token 17:23:19:a6:42:ea:99:7c:22;
		//		option space local;
		//		option local.demo code 1 = text;
		//		option local-encapsulation code 197 = encapsulate local;
		//		option local.demo "demo";
		//		option kerberos-servers code 200 = array of ip-address;
		//		option kerberos-servers,;
		//		option contrived-001 code 201 = { boolean, integer 32, text };
		//		option contrived-001 on 1772 "contrivance";
		//		option new-static-routes code 201 = array of { ip-address, ip-address, ip-address, integer 8 };
		//		option static-routes
		// net-0-rtr.example.com 1,
		// net-1-rtr.example.com 1,
		// net-2-0-rtr.example.com 3;
		//		option vendor-encapsulated-options
		//		2:4:AC:11:41:1:
		//		3:12:73:75:6e:64:68:63:70:2d:73:65:72:76:65:72:31:37:2d:31:
		//		4:12:2f:65:78:70:6f:72:74:2f:72:6f:6f:74:2f:69:38:36:70:63;
		//		option space SUNW;
		//		option SUNW.server-address code 2 = ip-address;
		//		option SUNW.server-name code 3 = text;
		//		option SUNW.root-path code 4 = text;

		//		class "vendor-classes" 
		//		{
		//			match option vendor-class-identifier;
		//									}
		//			option SUNW.server-address;
		//			option SUNW.server-name "sundhcp-server17-1";
		//			subclass "vendor-classes" "SUNW.Ultra-5_10" 
		//			{
		//				vendor-option-space SUNW;
		//				option SUNW.root-path "/export/root/sparc";
		//			}
		//			subclass "vendor-classes" "SUNW.i86pc" 
		//			{
		//				vendor-option-space SUNW;
		//				option SUNW.root-path "/export/root/i86pc";
		//			}
		//		}

	public class GlobalConfig : CommonConfig 
		public static GlobalConfig Parse (string filename) 
			using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename)) 
				return Parse (sr);

		public static GlobalConfig Parse (StreamReader sr) 
			bool KeepGoing = true;

			GlobalConfig gconfig = new GlobalConfig ();

			while (KeepGoing)
				string line;
					if ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) == null)
						throw new EndOfStreamException ();

					gconfig.ParseAnySingleLineAndReturn (line);
					gconfig.ParseAnyConfigAndReturn (sr, line);

				catch (EndOfStreamException)
					KeepGoing = false;


			return gconfig;

	// [declarations]

	public class NotGroupConfigException : Exception {}
	public class GroupConfig : CommonConfig 
		public GroupConfig () 

		public override void ParseBody (StreamReader sr) 
			base.ParseBody (sr);

		// group 
		// {
		//		[ parameters ]
		//		[ declarations ]
		// }
		public static GroupConfig Parse (StreamReader sr, string line) 
			if (line == null)
				throw new EndOfStreamException ();

			Regex r = new Regex(@"group[$|.*]");
			Match m = r.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				GroupConfig gconfig = new GroupConfig ();
				gconfig.ParseBody (sr);
				return gconfig;
			throw new NotGroupConfigException ();


	public class NotSharedNetworkConfigException : Exception {}
	public class SharedNetwork : CommonConfig 
		public string Name;

		public SharedNetwork (string Name) 
			this.Name = Name;

		public override void ParseBody (StreamReader sr)
			base.ParseBody (sr);

		// shared-network name 
		// {
		//		[ parameters ]
		//		[ declarations ]
		// }
		public static SharedNetwork Parse (StreamReader sr, string line) 
			if (line == null)
				throw new EndOfStreamException ();

			Regex r = new Regex(@"shared-network\s(.*)[$|.*]");
			Match m = r.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				SharedNetwork sconfig = new SharedNetwork (m.Groups[1].Value);
				sconfig.ParseBody (sr);
				return sconfig;
			throw new NotSharedNetworkConfigException ();

	public class NotHostConfigException : Exception {}
	public class HostConfig : CommonConfig 
		public string Name;

		public HostConfig (string Name) 
			this.Name = Name;

		public override void ParseBody (StreamReader sr)
			base.ParseBody (sr);

		// host hostname 
		// {
		//	[ parameters ]
		//	[ declarations ]
		// }

		public static HostConfig Parse (StreamReader sr, string line)
			if (line == null)
				throw new EndOfStreamException ();

			Regex r = new Regex(@"host\s(.*)[$|.*]");
			Match m = r.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				HostConfig hostconfig = new HostConfig (m.Groups[1].Value);
				hostconfig.ParseBody (sr);
				return hostconfig;
			throw new NotHostConfigException ();

	public class NotSubnetConfigException : Exception {}
	public class SubnetConfig : CommonConfig 
		public string Number;
		public string Netmask;

		public SubnetConfig (string Number, string Netmask)
			this.Number = Number;
			this.Netmask = Netmask;

		public override void ParseBody (StreamReader sr)
			base.ParseBody (sr);

		// subnet subnet-number netmask netmask 
		// {
		//		[ parameters ]
		//		[ declarations ]
		// }

		public static SubnetConfig Parse (StreamReader sr, string line)
			if (line == null)
				throw new EndOfStreamException ();

			Regex r = new Regex(@"subnet\s(.*)\snetmask\s(.*)[$|.*]");
			Match m = r.Match(line);
			if (m.Success)
				SubnetConfig subnetconfig = new SubnetConfig (m.Groups[1].Value,  m.Groups[2].Value);
				subnetconfig.ParseBody (sr);
				return subnetconfig;
			throw new NotSubnetConfigException ();


	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for Class1.
	/// </summary>
	class Class1
		static void Main(string[] args)
			GlobalConfig config = GlobalConfig.Parse (@"D:\Temp\dhcpd.conf");
			if (config.SubnetConfigs.Count > 0)
				SubnetConfig c = (SubnetConfig)config.SubnetConfigs[0];

				Console.WriteLine (c.Number);
				Console.WriteLine (c.Netmask);

				IDictionaryEnumerator myenum = c.Options.GetEnumerator();
				while (myenum.MoveNext())
					Console.WriteLine ("{0}={1}", myenum.Key, myenum.Value);
-------------- next part --------------
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